First, the first resonant frequency of the sample is measured by piezoelectric excitation and detection. In this paper, a new method for measuring the elastic modulus of solid materials is proposed, in order to improve the measuring accuracy and simplify the measuring process. While it is tested with FDM, it should be applicable to other additive manufacturing processes. – This method supports process monitoring in production environments and inexpensive assessments of material properties for hobbyist and do-i- yourself users. – Further work is needed to assess the sensitivity of the method to particular defects and parameter errors expected in particular applications. It is also sensitive to printing orientation and printing parameters.

– The test methods show good correlation with manufacturer material specifications in the X-Y plane and reported elastic strain limits. Printing orientation and some printing parameters are varied to assess the measurement sensitivity. This is tested with multiple fused deposition modeling (FDM) machines to assess measurement accuracy and repeatability.
– Test geometry is presented that enables controlled strains with manual deformation and repeatable measurement of vibrational frequencies. – The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the use of a simple printed geometry to estimate mechanical properties (elastic modulus, yield strength) with inexpensive test equipment. By comparison of the experimental and numerical results the strengths and weaknesses of the presented modelling approach are discussed and evaluated.
In combination with continuum damage mechanics and a cohesive interface for the modelling of the carbon composite surface skin the proposed modelling approach is used to reproduce drop tower and gas gun impact test. A methodology to derive the material properties of the individual layers from global paper properties measured experimentally is presented. In order to consider the aramid papers inhomogeneous nature in the thickness direction a new modelling approach with layered shell elements is proposed. For that purpose, existing approaches reproducing cellular sandwich structures on the basis of shell-based meso-models are adapted to aramid paper foldcores and further developed. The presented research investigates the numerical modelling of sandwich structures with aramid paper foldcore and fibre composite face sheets in quasi-static and dynamic load cases.